2019. Working with children and families in high-conflict divorce and parental alienation, education and supervision, Zagreb
Karen i Nick Woodall, Family Separation Clinic, London (UK)
2018. Attachment Based Family Therapy (ATBF), Zagreb,
Obiteljska terapija zasnovana na privrženosti
dr. Jody Russon, USA
2016. Working with Parental Alienation – Understanding, Differentiation, Intervention, Zagreb
Edukacija o radu s otuđenom djecom
Karen i Nick Woodall – Family Separation Clinic
Mentalization – Based Treatment for Adolescence (MBT-A)
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, London, UK
2015. Advanced Forensic Interviewing Training, Zagreb
Linda Cordisco Steele – National Children’s Advocacy Center, Huntsville, AL (SAD)
2013. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TF-CBT), Poliklinika za zaštitu djece grada Zagreba
Kognitivno-bihevioralna terapija usmjerena na traumu
Bonner, B.L. – Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Study Center, University of Oklahoma
Schmidt, S. – Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, University of Oklahoma
2010. Ensuring Justice and Protection for all Children, Flagey, Bruxelles, Belgija
Osiguravanje pravde i zaštita sve djece
Fundamental rights conference
Konferencija temeljnih ljudskih prava
The Belgian presidency of the European Union
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
2010. Krizne intervencije
Društvo za psihološku pomoć, Zagreb
2007. The Advance Skills Training Institute, XIth ISPCAN European Regional Conference, Lisabon, Portugal
Supporting Prevention and Recovery from Child Abuse and Neglect
Role of Professionals, Communities and Families
Podrška prevenciji i rehabilitaciji zlostavljane i zanemarene djece
Uloga stručnjaka, zajednice i obitelji
International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN)
2007. Countertransference Issues in Intercultural Treatment of Complex Posttraumatic States
Problemi kontratransfera u interkulturalnom tretmanu kompleksne psihotraume
Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik: Gregurek, R, Wilson, J.P., Drožđek, B. i Lindy, J.D.
2006. Relational and Integrative Psychotherapy
Richard Erskin, R.G. Ph.D., Training Director of the Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy, Vancouver
2005. Trauma and abuse
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
APSACs First Annual Trauma Treatment Clinic, Hawaii
2003. Forensic Interviewing of Children Training, Zagreb
The National Children’s Advocacy Center, Huntsville, AL (SAD)
1995. – 2002. Zlostavljana i zanemarivana djeca, CU centar Budimpešta, Mađarska
Children’s Mental Health Alliance Foundation, New York, (SAD)
1988. Center on Child Abuse and Neglect – hospitiranje, Oklahoma, SAD
Children’s Mental Health Alliance Foundation, New York, (SAD)
1995. Pružanje psihosocijalne pomoći izbjeglicama, Zagreb
Dansko udruženje za međunarodnu suradnju
1994. Samopomoć i međusobna pomoć u suvremenom društvu, Zagreb
Škola narodnog zdravlja “Andrija Štampar”
1994. Munchenska funkcionalna razvojna dijagnostika, Zagreb
Akademija za razvojnu rehabilitaciju
1994. Psihologija traume, Zagreb
Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute, Nottingham (UK)
1989. Privrženost između majke i djeteta, Duborvnik
Inter University Center, Dubrovnik